Day 38: How My Thoughts Have Changed Towards Needing to Get Really Specific with My Marketing Message.

Updated – January 24, 2025
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Welcome to 'From Zero to Marketing Hero: My 365-Day Challenge' — In today's episode, I'm talking about how my thoughts have evolved regarding getting more specific with my marketing message. I'm exploring the process of narrowing down my coaching niche and addressing how it impacts my marketing efforts.

In This Episode, I Discuss:

The Shift in Perspective: I share how, despite my resistance to narrowing down my target audience, I'm realising the importance of specificity in crafting my marketing message. The concept of a coaching niche has become crucial to my marketing strategy for May.

Challenges with Broad Messaging: I explain how a vague or broad marketing message can dilute your impact and lead to wasted efforts. I use examples from my past experiences, where my broad approach led to mixed results and unproductive conversations.

Finding My Ideal Client: I delve into how I define my ideal client and what it means to be specific about their characteristics and timeline. This specificity allows me to create a focused marketing plan that resonates with the right audience.

The Impact on My Business: I explore the potential benefits of refining my marketing message and targeting a specific niche, which should lead to better-quality leads and more meaningful engagements with prospective clients.

If you're interested in sharing your thoughts on coaching niches or have suggestions on how to create a more specific marketing message, I'd love to hear from you. You can join our Facebook group: To enquire about being a guest on the podcast, you can use this link: If you're interested in my Productivity Blueprint, you can find it here:

Thank you for tuning in to ”Day 38: How My Thoughts Have Changed Towards Needing to Get Really Specific with My Marketing Message.” If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and leaving a review. Your support helps keep this journey going. See you tomorrow!

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About The Author

Welcome! I’m Paul Heron, a life and mindset coach passionate about helping people live authentically and take bold steps toward their dreams. My mission is to inspire confidence and help you overcome fears and challenges with personalised coaching and actionable strategies. Ready to transform your life and achieve your goals? Let’s connect!


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